Monday, September 30, 2013

in the works

so I have a few projects in the works.

I recently finished 4 bulky cowls in neon yellow, blue, pink and coral (1 colour each, they're blinding enough as it is) and they are so cozy! keeping 1 for myself and the rest as xmas presents.

I started a blanket a few months back and wasn't happy with it so I frogged the entire thing (sad panda!). I restarted it with a new deviation of a pattern and it is coming along nicely. about 1/3 done!

I'm currently trying out a hat pattern from ravelry called the wavy moss hat. doing it during slow peaks at work and I like the pattern so far although the cabled portion took longer than I'd like.

Friday, September 27, 2013

I'm not dead!

Heeeeyyy! So guess who forgot that she has a blog? This girl. New stuff soon.